Why are the twenties are sometimes called an "age of prosperity"?

a.Most people were able to purchase cars and many families had more than one.

b.Incomes throughout the United States grew and the middle class held most of the wealth.

c.The GNP rose dramatically and the United States changed from a debtor nation to a creditor nation.

Question 3

Why did the automobile have a major impact on the United States in the twenties?

a.Inexperienced drivers caused numerous accidents that made it difficult for hospitals to provide adequate care.

b.By the end of the decade, automobile ownership had increased dramatically.

c.Traffic began to create commuting problems that the government failed to address.

What 1920s trend favored individual experiences, emotions, and the expression of personal freedom in contrast to an earlier emphasis on consensus and reason?



c. Modernism

What brought a ban on the sale of alcohol and an increase in organized crime to the United States during the 1920s?
Question options:

a.the Women's Christian Temperance Union

b.the 18th Amendment

c.Capone v. United States

How was big business regarded by the Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover administrations: something that had a responsibility to all the people something to be regulated America's most important strength

How did the Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover presidencies differ most significantly from the Wilson presidency?

a.Wilson lost favor with the American people, while the others did not.

b. Wilson was president during an economic downturn, but the others were not.

c.Wilson emphasized peace and global responsibility in contrast to the others' emphasis on business.

What did investors do that helped trigger the stock market crash in 1929

a.bought stock on credit, thinking that prices would continue to rise

b. bought only a few stocks that they were sure would increase in price

c.invested in the stocks of banks that were failing