Simón Bolívar is one of the independence heroes in many Latin American countries.
Panamá, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, and of course Bolivia, which was named after
him, were liberated with Bolívar’s help.
Bolívar was born in Caracas, Venezuela, to a wealthy family. He received a good
education and during his youth spent some years in a military academy. He also studied
in Spain and traveled through Europe, where he became acquainted with many
intellectuals of the era. By then he already wanted to see Latin America free from the
Spanish crown. Upon his return, he started to fulfill his desire.
In 1810 many regions on the American continent declared their independence from
Spain, and Bolívar had a main role in the independence process in various nations. This
process was not easy. There were a series of battles and civil wars, and even a period of
self-exile to Jamaica, but after several years, Bolivar attained independence for
Venezuela and Nueva Granada (today Colombia and Ecuador.) Years later, Bolivar
helped the cause for independence in Peru and Alto Peru (today Bolivia.) After the
independence war, Bolivar became president of Nueva Granada and Peru. He is known
as the liberator in these countries.

Where was Simon Bolivar born?
In which country is Bolivar seen as their hero of independence?
where did Bolivar go during exile?
When did the battles of independence begin?

Respuesta :


  • Where was Simon Bolivar born?

Caracas, Venezuela.

  • In which country is Bolivar seen as their hero of independence?


  • Where did Bolivar go during exile?

"In 1815, however, after a number of political and military disputes with the government of Cartagena, Bolívar fled to Jamaica, where he was denied support. After an assassination attempt in Jamaica, he fled to Haiti, where he was granted protection" (Wikipedia)

  • When did the battles of independence begin?

It started on April 19, 1775, and ended on September 3, 1783.