Your friend Ibram graduates at the end of the semester, but has yet to make a decision on their major. Ibram wants to be a teacher and loves working with students, but he is torn because he knows that teachers are typically paid less than other careers. Alongside of taking classes at Valencia, Ibram has worked full time to support his family as well. He is torn between his calling to be an educator and his sense of obligation to his family. Ibram does not like to talk about his emotions, but you are starting to notice he always appears to be on edge and sleeping less. Your concerned about him, so you ask what's going on and he snaps at you. What sign of emotional distress is Ibram exhibiting

Respuesta :

Answer: Depression


Depression starts easily and grows to become a big problem when not handled early. It starts from consistent mood swings, and this mood swings sets in as life decisions are not favourable to the individual. When the choices before the individual are uncontrollable, the depression sets in hugely and plays a big role in the individuals life, a cure would be a therapy.

Ibram would need therapy and counseling, he is going through so much emotional that he can't respond proper to interactions with persons.