This assignment allows you to explore how one's perspective influences one's response to difficulties.
Here is your goal for this assignment:

Write an essay contrasting one of three philosophical perspectives on suffering to a biblical perspective on suffering, using a real-world situation

The lesson "Perspectives on Suffering" in this unit briefly considers three views of suffering that come from three philosophical perspectives--fatalism, determinism, and humanism. In a three-part essay of 250-300 words, complete the following:

Briefly describe a situation (real or imagined) in which you experienced physical, mental, or spiritual suffering (approximately 75 words).
Describe how you would view that suffering, based on either a fatalistic, deterministic, or humanistic perspective (approximately 100 words).
Describe how you would view that suffering based on a biblical perspective on suffering (approximately 100 words).
You may draw from the material presented in this unit as well as other sources (books, magazines, television, conversations with friends, the Bible) to assist you in your work. Make sure to reference any sources you use. Include at least three Scripture references.

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Baptism is a public ceremony conducted by Christians where one person either dunks another person in the water or, as some denominations practice, sprinkles or pours water on a person’s head. History is filled with people who were not baptized. Galatians 2:7 to 9. Some receive only a few words. In this case, however, the… There are three ways by which denominations baptize people today: sprinkling, pouring, and immersion. Luk 8:15 “But the seed in the good soil, these are the ones who have heard the word in an honest and good heart, and hold it fast, and bear fruit with perseverance. Getting baptized is a big decision, and people make that decision for a variety of reasons. I think generally people who make the effort and commitment to go to church regularly are more likely to commit in other ways, such as baptism, whereas those who are not. We should be baptized because it is what Jesus commanded and it is a sign and seal of our faith in Him. 28:18-20), yet there is much disagreement about who should be baptized. The more we read about God’s anger of the unrepentant sinner, the more God’s grace is amazing. There are no “good people” who can merit their own salvation by good works.