
how would i turn this into a persuasive essay?
It was a gym day in 5th grade. I had hurt my foot and ankle a couple of weeks ago, and I had not told my mom about it for a while. I was going to be pulled out of gym class to go to the doctors. This was specifically planned, so I would not injure it more during gym. As my class and I were lined up the teacher told my class that today we were going to run the mile. I, of course, was excited to run the mile, so I could try to beat the school record (and my classmates) as it was my last year in the elementary school. In my excitement I ‘forgot’ that I was not supposed to participate in gym that day. It was a sunny spring Tuesday I could feel the spring breeze and sun as my class and I lined up waiting for the whistle to start the race, and as soon as it did, we were off. While running I ignored the pain in my foot and ankle and sped on. By the end of the first lap out of four, my adrenaline had taken over and I did not feel the pain in my foot anymore as it pounded into the ground. I had finished 1st as a tie, and only off the school record by a couple of seconds. When my mom came to pick me up, she saw me running my last lap. She later told me that my ‘running’ was just a fast limp. Turns out I had to be on non-weight bearing crutches for six and a half months. I learned from this, and I now try to pay attention to my injuries and make sure I do not make the same mistake. This shows that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If I had taken my injury seriously and not participated in gym class, then my injury would not be as severe. The saying an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure is like a vaccine, if you take it you still might get sick but just not as bad. Next time, I will pay attention to my injuries. Next time, I will be more cautious. Next time, I will not get as hurt.