word bank:

Catholic Spain
world power
Holy Roman Empire
chose sides
material goods
the reconstruction of St. Peter’s Basilica
committing cruel acts
change their ways
do whatever it takes

1. Explain how interest in ancient texts led to demands for Church reform.
During the Renaissance, some high officials of the Church were more concerned with world ________ than with spiritual matters. Some Christians began to question their behavior and wanted to know if Christian leaders had always behaved that way. Scholars turned to the Bible and the writings of early Church leaders. In many early Greek texts, scholars rediscovered a Christian Church more concerned with humility and charity than ________and ________. They read how early Church leaders made personal sacrifices and ________ the sick and the needy. As the information from the ancient texts spread, more and more people began to talk about the need for the Church leaders to ________ and reform the practices of the Church.

2. Describe the belief in purgatory and explain the reason for the sale of indulgences.
Catholic Christians believed ________ was a place where sinners were punished for their sins. Even if a sinner had been forgiven, he still had to endure punishment for his sins in order to ________ his soul for heaven. After a painful period in purgatory, a purified soul would be ready to go to heaven. The idea of a painful time in purgatory scared many people, and they liked the idea that they could shorten their stay in purgatory by obtaining an ________, which was a kind of pardon or privilege given in exchange for prayers or acts of charity, including giving money to the Church. Rich and poor people bought indulgences, hoping that it would help them pass quickly through purgatory and reach ________. Pope Leo X needed a great deal of money to finish ________________ so he encouraged the Church officials to sell more indulgences. The sale of indulgences became a big moneymaker for the Church.

3. When Machiavelli wrote “The Prince” in 1513, he faced a lot of criticism. What were the key ideas of “The Prince”, and how did these ideas influence European rulers?
In his book he laid out new guidelines for creating and maintaining a secure state. He argued that a good ruler should ________________, even if it means ________________. In other words, the ends justify the means. The book gave European rulers new ideas, both good and bad, about how to govern.

4. Fill in the blanks to explain how the Reformation led to political conflict and warfare during the 1500s.
(a) Christianity split into ________ and _______ branches in Europe.
(b) The differences between the ideas of the Catholic Church and the Protestant reformers led to ________ in Europe.
(c) Rulers of various nations __________. Some nations aligned themselves with the Protestants and some with the Catholics.
(d) Many in the German lands of the __________ favored the Protestant teachings, so the Holy Roman Emperor led Catholic forces against them.
(e) In France, a civil war erupted between the Catholics and the ________.
(f) Protestant England fought a series of wars with ________.

Label the four nations of Europe in the 1500s in the boxes provided on the map, or write each name next to a number in the list.

A. ________
B. ________
C. ________
D. ________

PLEASE HELP word bank cared Catholic Spain purgatory divisions heaven Huguenots purify power indulgence Catholic world power Holy Roman Empire chose sides mater class=