24.3 2 An artifact classified as seeds, found in a site at Newlands Cross, Ireland, is found to have a 14C radioactivity of 0.103 counts per second per gram of carbon. If living carbon-containing objects have an activity of 0.255 counts per second per gram of carbon, estimate the age of the artifact?

The half-life of 14C is 5730 years.

______ years

Respuesta :


Age ≅ 7500 years


All radioactive decay is 1st order kinetics and described by the expression

A = A₀e^-kt => t = ln(A/A₀) / -k

k = 0.693 / t(half life) = (0.693 / 5730)yrs⁻¹ = 1.21 x 10⁻⁴ yrs⁻¹

t = Age = [ln(0.103/0.255) / - 1.21 x 10⁻⁴] yrs = 7500 years