
03: A mass with a 60 g vibrate at the end of a spring. The amplitude of the motion is 0.394 ft
and a frequency is 0.59 HZ. Find the perind and spring constant, the maximum speed and
acceleration of the mass, the speed and acceleration when the displacement is 6 cm, compute the
kinetic and the potential energy when the position is 6 cm​

Respuesta :


a) T = 1.69 s, b)  k = 0.825 N / m, c)  v = 1.46 feet/s, d) a = 5.41 ft / s²,

e)   v = - 1,319 ft / s,    a = - 2.70 ft / s², f) K = 4.8 10⁻³ J, U = 1.49 10⁻³ J


In a mass-spring system with simple harmonic motion, the angular velocity is

         w = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{k}{m} }[/tex]

a) find the period

angular velocity, frequency, and period are related

         w = 2π f = 2π / T

          f = 1 / T

          T = 1 / f

           T = 1 / 0.59

           T = 1.69 s

b) the spring constant

         w = 2π f

         w = 2π 0.59

         w = 3.70 rad / s

         w² = k / m

          k = w² m

          k = 3.70² 0.060

          k = 0.825 N / m

c) the maximum speed

simple harmonic movement is described by the expression

          x = A cos (wt + Ф)

speed is defined by

         v =[tex]\frac{dx}{dt}[/tex]

          v = -A w sin (wt + fi)

the speed is maximum when the cosine is ± 1

          v = A w

          v = 0.394 3.70

          v = 1.46 feet/s

d) maximum acceleration

            a = [tex]\frac{dv}{dt}[/tex]

            a = - A w² cos wt + fi

the acceleration is maximum when the cosine is ±1

            a = A w²

            a = 0.394 3.70²

            a = 5.41 ft / s²

e) velocity and acceleration for x = 6 cm

let's reduce the cm to feet

            x = 6 cm (1 foot / 30.48 cm) = 0.1969 foot

Before doing this part we must find the phase angle (Ф), the most common way to start the movement is to move the spring a small distance and release it, so its initial speed is zero for t = 0 s

let's use the expression for the velocity

           v = -A w sin (0 + Фi)

           0 = - A w sin Ф

so sin Ф = 0 which implies that Фi = 0

the equation of motion is

            x = A cos wt

            x = 0.394 cos 3.70t

we substitute

           0.1969 = 0.394 cos 370t

           3.70 t = cos⁻¹ (0.1969 / 0.394)

let's not forget that the angle is in radians

           3.70, t = 1.047

           t = 1.047 / 3.70

           t = 0.2826 s

we substitute this time in the equation for velocity and acceleration

           v = - Aw sin wt

           v = - 0.394 3.70 sin 3.70 0.2826

           v = - 1,319 ft / s

           a = - A w² cos wt

           a = - 0.394 3.70² cos 3.70 0.2826

           a = - 2.70 ft / s²

f) the kinetic and potential energy at this point

           K = ½ m v²

let's slow down to the SI system

           v = 1.319 ft / s (1 m / 3.28 ft) = 0.402 m / s


           K = ½ 0.060 0.402²

           K = 4.8 10⁻³ J

           U = ½ k x²

           U = ½ 0.825 0.06²

           U = 1.49 10⁻³ J