Respuesta :


These are only a few but are some of the most dangerous.

-Cephalopelvic Disproportion (CPD)

CPD, also referred to as small bony pelvis, is when a baby’s head is unable to fit through the mother’s pelvis either due to size or positioning. In teen pregnancies, this can be more prominent due to the underdeveloped pelvic bones of the mother. Though CPD is a rare condition, being aware of its presence in advance can precipitate scheduling a Cesarean section to avoid complications such as painful labor and/or tearing of the birth canal.

-Placenta Previa

During pregnancy, the placenta develops inside the uterus, connecting to the baby via the umbilical cord to provide nutrition and oxygen and removing waste. When the placenta covers the cervix, this leads to placenta previa, a potentially life-threatening condition where severe bleeding occurs. It can also lead to pre-term births.


Anemia refers to a deficiency of healthy red blood cells leading to inadequate amounts of oxygen being carried to the body’s tissues. Symptoms of this condition include fatigue, headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath and weakness.