14. _____ means the Supreme Court can declare acts of Congress unconstitutional.
a. Judicial Review
b. Due process
c. Precedent
d. Writ of certiorari
Selecting and Deciding Cases
15. How does the Supreme Court choose cases to hear?
a. They find the case interesting
b. They don’t like how the state is
handling the case
c. It addresses constitutionality or
federal law
d. They don't get to choose
16. ____ are guidelines for how future cases should be determined.
a. Stare decisis
b. Writ of certiorari
c. Rule of Four
d. Precedent
17. _____ includes the belief that the Supreme Court has the right and duty to use judicial review to
overturn bad precedents and promote socially desirable goals.
a. Judicial Restraint
b. Judicial Activism
c. Due Process
d. Precedent
18. _____ includes the belief that the court should avoid political and social questions
a. Judicial Restraint
b. Judicial Activism
c. Due Process
d. Precedent
Due Process
19. ____ is where the government cannot treat criminal suspects unfairly.
a. Judicial review
b. Miranda Rights
c. Due process
d. Precedent
20. Which Constitutional Amendment protects against search and seizures?
a. 4th
b. 5th
c. 6th
d. 14th
21. Which Constitutional Amendment protects the accused?
a. 4th
b. 5th
c. 6th
d. 14th
Always check back of page
Please do NOT write on Test SSCG 13abcde 14abcde
22. Which Constitutional Amendment introduced probable cause?
a. 4th
b. 5th
c. 6th
d. 14th
23. Which Constitutional Amendment guarantees certain rights to criminal defendants?
a. 4th
b. 5th
c. 6th
d. 14th
24. Which Constitutional Amendment extended the protections of the Bill or Rights to the states and local
a. 4th
b. 5th
c. 6th
d. 14th
25. What Supreme Court case unholds due process and protects your rights during an arrest and
a. Miranda v U.S. Government
b. Miranda v Arizona
c. Roe v Wade
d. Brown v Board
Criminal Justice Process
26. Which of the following is NOT a category of crimes?
a. Petty felonies
b. Petty Offences
c. Misdemeanors
d. Felonies
27. Which of the following situations can an officer NOT arrest a person?
a. personally observed a crime
b. has probable cause
c. has an arrest warrant
d. assumes a crime was committed
28. What needs to occur if the police want to interrogate a suspect?
a. A warrant needs to be issued
b. A lawyer needs to be present
c. They need to read the Miranda Rights
d. Nothing, police can interrogate at anytime
29. ____ is the formal accusation of criminal behavior handed down by a grand jury; means the accused
will be brought to trial.
a. Indictment
b. Arraignment
c. Plea Bargain
d. Restitution
30. ____ is an agreement in which the defendant (accused) pleads guilty for a lesser charge or sentence.
a. Indictment
b. Arraignment
c. Plea Bargain
d. Restitution
31. ____ is where a person accused of a crime is informed of charges and makes a plea of guilty or not
a. Indictment
b. Arraignment
c. Plea Bargain
d. Restitution
Always check back of page
Please do NOT write on Test SSCG 13abcde 14abcde
32. ____ is when a person applies to a higher court for a reversal of the decision made in a lower court.
a. Juvenile Court
b. Bench Trial
c. District
d. Appeal
33. _____ is when the final decision of guilt or innocence is made.
a. Verdict
b. Indictment
c. Arraignment
d. Plea Bargain
34. Which of the following is NOT a disqualifier to serve on a jury?
a. Over the age of 70
b. Illiterate
c. Work
d. Illness
35. _____ is when a defendant is sent to a jail or prison.
a. Verdict
b. Incarceration
c. Probation
d. Capital Punishment
36. _____ is a short term lockup center
a. Prison
b. Boot Camp
c. Jail
d. Probation Center
37. _____ is a long term lockup facility
a. Prison
b. Boot Camp
c. Jail
d. Probation Center
38. A ____ dispute is when a person is accused of breaking the law.
a. Court case
b. Restitution
c. Criminal
d. Civil
39. A ____ dispute is between two people or groups. (example: divorce cases)
a. Court case
b. Restitution
c. Criminal
d. Civil

Respuesta :


14. A. Judicial Review

15. C. It Address Constitutionality or Federal Law

16.  D. Precedent

17. C. Due Process

18.  B. Judicial Activism

19. B. Miranda Rights.

20. A. Fourth Amendment

21. C. Sixth Amendment

22. A. Fourth Amendment

23, C. Sixth Amendment.

24.  D. Fourteenth Amendment

25.  B. Miranda v Arizona.

26.  Petty offences

27. D. Assumes a crime was committed

28. C. They need to read the Miranda rights.

29. A. Indictment

30. C. Plea Bargain

31. B. Arraignment

32. D. Appeal

33. A. Verdict

34. A. Over the age of 70

35. B. Incarceration.

36. C. Jail

37. A. Prison

38. D. Civil

39. D. Civil  

May Not be all right, but I tried my best.