
match each word with the phrase that best defines it poverty endemic prevalence pandemic per capita

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There are only words in your question and no phrases. So, I am just going to go ahead and give the best definitions of the words.

See explanation below;


1) Poverty: The term Poverty is relative. Poverty in a particular place can be seen as been lower class somewhere else. This means that it is different for different people under certain circumstances. Poverty is the condition in which people lack financial resources to afford their basic human needs such as food, water and clothing.

Endemic: An endemic in epidemiology is an infection or a disease that is peculiarly found amongst a certain people in a geographical area.

Prevalence: Prevalence refers to the number of people that have a particular disease at a certain time. It reflects the number of existing cases and how common a disease is at a particular time.

Pandemic: Unlike an endemic that is only peculiar to a particular geographical area, a pandemic is affects the whole world. Dan Epstein a spokesman for Pan African Health referred to it as being “basically a global endemic”.

Per Capita: Per capita is of Latin Origin. It is a term that is usually used in place of “per person”. It is means “the average per person”


Prevelance- how common something is

per capita- a way to show data as an average within a population

pandemic- an infectious disease that spreads rapidly over a large area, or the world

poverty- the state of lacking basic needs for survival

endemic - something that occurs in a specific place


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