Martin buber proposed we approach interaction with others as
a. an encounter for transformation of each individual
b. an interpersonal bubble
c. a cycle for repetition
d. a contemplative zone

Respuesta :

The correct answer that would best complete the given statement above would be option A. Martin Buber proposed we approach interaction with others as an encounter for transformation of each individual. Buber introduced his thesis on human existence which is the "I and Thou". Martin Buber was an Austrian-born Israeli Jewish philosopher best known for his philosophy of dialogue. Hope this answer helps.

What Martin Buber proposed related to the interaction of individuals with each other was as a encounter for the transformation of each individual.

Who was Martin Buber?

He was an Austrian-born philosopher who became known for the philosophy of dialogue, his most famous thesis being on dialogic existence, religious consciousness, ethics and modernity.

Therefore, according to the philosophy of dialogue, Martin Buber believed that social interaction was capable of promoting human development and social transformation.

The correct answer is:

a. An encounter for transformation of each individual.

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