Composer is Antonin Dvorak Symphony no.9, A New World

Antonin Dvorak was known for his most famous piece, Symphony No.9, A New World. As he was creating "A New World." He was inspired by "Negro Music". One of his quotes involing this was, "Whom was it written for, and under what circumstance? Was the composition inspired or influenced by any earlier composition?" As he lived on his life, He died of a sponaneous attack of the flu. He had many pieces that were unfinished, yet, he once said, "I have composed too much."

Antonín Dvorak was born the first of nine children in September 8th, 1841. In 1893, The work from Antonin Dvorak, Symphony no.9 was created. During his time in America, he was given a copy of the 'Negro Music journal', a collection of negro spirituals. This influeneced him into creating his piece that has some folk music themes. Although titled 'New World', this symphony is also slavonic in character, revealing Dvorak's roots, because he was born and raised in Nelahozeves, Czechia.