
Artist: Georges Suerat (pronounced zhorzh syu-RAH)
For each of the questions below, circle the letter for the correct answer (1 point
Draw a copy of this artist’s artwork specified on the back of this sheet (4 points).

1. Where and when was this artist born?
A. Coyoacán, Mexico in 1907.
B. near Florence, Italy in 1266.
C. Paris, France in 1859.
D. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (U.S.A.) in 1928.

2. When did this person decide to be an artist?
A. At an early age, he worked as an apprentice to a master artist.
B. The book does not state, but he entered art school at about age 19.
C. When he had to spend months in bed as a teenager. He borrowed his father’s
paints and brushes.
D. When he was a child he would draw scenes from books by Charles Dickens.

3. How did this person learn to be an artist?
A. Classes at the Carnegie Museum of Art, and college at Carnegie Institute of
B. École des Beaux-Arts school in Paris, France.
C. From his father, from Diego Rivera, and self-taught.
D. In Cimabue’s workshop.

4. Who or what influenced this artist?
A. Ordinary people in the streets.
B. Raphael, Ingres, and Delacroix; the impressionists.
C. Shoes and other everyday objects; fame and money; Jasper Johns and Robert
D. The Mexican Revolution; Mexican murals by Siqueiros, Orozco, and Rivera;
friends and family; himself; and Mexican folk art.

5. What was new or special about this artist’s artwork?
A. He created magical, beautiful, and sometimes very mysterious art. He often
painted animals doing things that people do. He drew from his dreams and
B. He developed scientific theories about lines, shapes, forms, color and
composition. His paintings shimmered with light.
C. He had an amazing way of capturing the feelings of people in his paintings; you
can almost see their thoughts. He showed every detail of glittery royal life in an
incredibly accurate way.
D. He made religious figures look familiar and natural, and he put depth into his
backgrounds. His people seemed alive and they showed expression. He had a special
understanding of nature.

6. Which of the following is true about this artist?
A. At an early age, he became known around Italy as a remarkable artist.
B. He created a new way of painting called Pointillism. He thought he could do better
than the Impressionists.
C. He helped develop the art style known as Pop Art.
D. He often made up stories about himself that were not true.

7. Which art media did this artist use for his/her art works?
A. Fresco, and architecture.
B. Oil paint and pencil.
C. Pencil/graphite, oil paint, and conté crayon.
D. Synthetic polymer paint, silkscreen, sandpaper, ink, illustration, offset
lithography, watercolor, pen, tempera, crayon, screenprint, Prestype, pencil,
aluminum paint, and film.

Respuesta :



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