The diagram below is divided into equal parts. Which fraction of the parts is white?

A diagram is divided into 4 blue parts and 3 white parts.

Respuesta :

Answer: This problem is a fraction since we have several equal parts that make up one whole. The problem asks us to talk about the relationship of white pieces to the whole. Since we know the whole is made up of 7 pieces (4 blue parts and 3 white parts = 7 total parts), then 7 will be our denominator (number on the bottom of the fraction).

Now that we have our number on the bottom, we need to look back at the question to carefully decide what parts of the whole we are looking at. The question wants to know how many of the parts are white. We know that 3 of the parts are white, so that is our numerator (number of the top of the fraction).

Our final answer is 3/7 or "three-sevenths." Said another way, three of the seven pieces are white.

Step-by-step explanation: