1. By how much did the three organisms investigated in this activity grow over the course of
ten weeks when the average water temperature was 20°C? (Save the
graphs of data to yourcomputer and paste them below to help answer this question.)

Respuesta :

The graph of growth moves upward and downward due to temperature of the medium.

That organism which grow best in the temperature range from 15°C to 25°C, the graph moves in the upward direction due to the presence of optimum temperature for the growth of that organism.

The organism which grow best in the temperature range from 5°C to 15°C, the graph moves in the downward direction because the water temperature is not suitable for the growth of that organism.

The organism which grow best in the temperature range from 25°C to 35°C, the graph also moves in the downward direction because the water temperature is not good for its growth so we can conclude that the growth rate increases and decreases due to temperature of water.
