It is a three-digit whole number.
It is an odd number.
It is a multiple of 7.
It is divisible by 5.
Its tens digit is even.
It is divisible by 9.
Each of its digits is different.
It is greater than 700.
It is a multiple of 27.
Its hundreds digit is 9.
Plz help!!

Respuesta :



Step-by-step explanation:

So the least common multiple of an odd number divided by 7 and 5 is 35

If it's divisible by 9, the least common multiple is 35 times 9, which is 315

And since it's odd and it's greater than 700,

So 315 times 3 is 945, which satisfies 9 in the hundreds place, and 35 times 27 is 945, which satisfies a multiple of 27