18.41 Clone of LAB: Variables/Assignments: Simple statistics
Part 1
Given 3 integers, output their average and their product, using integer arithmetic.

Ex: If the input is:

10 20 5
the output is:

11 1000
Submit the above for grading. Your program will fail the test cases (which is expected), until you complete part 2 below but check that you are getting the correct average and product using integer division.

Part 2
Using the same 3 integers, output the average and product, using floating-point arithmetic.

Output all floating-point numbers with five digits after the decimal point, which can be achieved as follows:
Put x to output with 5 decimal places

Ex: If the input is:

10 20 5
the first line of output uses integer arithmetic and the second line output uses floating-point arithmetic:

11 1000
11.66667 1000.00000