Read the following historical perspectives. In what way do these two perspectives differ?
Historian A :
The American Revolution was caused by America's greedy desire for more money. Americans were tired of paying taxes on products, even though they were enjoying the benefits of those taxes. Americans were greedy to own the land that had been claimed by England.
Historian B:
The American Revolution was caused entirely by Britain's unfair tax policies in the colonies. Americans were being taxed by a distant monarchy without reaping the benefits of those taxes. The British made the colonists send their raw goods to Britain to be processed, and the British eventually sold the goods back to the Americans.

Respuesta :

The difference in both Historian point of perspective was that Historian A believed the American Revolution was causes by colonist greed. Historian B believed the American Revolution was caused by the unfair taxe policies in the colonies.
Historuan A was in agreeance Britons view of the revolutionary war while Historian B is in agreeance with the colonial view of the revolutionary war