help pls

When a sentence contains a word, phrase, or clause that gives information about the subject noun, that word, phrase, or clause may or may not need to be set off by commas. Commas are used if the information in the word, phrase, or clause is interesting but not essential to the meaning of the sentence. Commas are not used when the information in the word, phrase, or clause must be included because the sentence would be unclear or incorrect without it.
Which sentence is written in compliance with the guidelines for commas?

A) The famous author Judy Blume is coming, to speak at our school.

B) The famous author, Judy Blume, is coming to speak at our school.

C) The famous author Judy Blume is coming to speak at our school.

D) The famous author, Judy Blume is coming to speak at our school.

Respuesta :





i dont know how i got banned but i decided to bless you with my presence <3