After its victory in the French and Indian War, the British government decided
A. encourage colonists to build settlements in the Ohio River valley.
B. raise taxes in the colonies to pay for the cost of the war.
C. abandon mercantilism as an economic policy in the colonies.
D. establish a policy of salutary neglect to give colonists more

Respuesta :




the era of salutary neglect ended as that war ended because Britain decided to take control of the colonies and enforce mercantilism so C and D are wrong. A is wrong because the proclamation line of 1763 stopped colonists from settling past the Appalachian mountains. Since britain racked up a large debt from the war, they decided to tax the colonies to make them help pay since the war was fought to protect them so B is right

Answer is B. Can I get brainliest? I really want to be promoted