Match the word with the definition!
An equation with two variables that makes up a straight line on a coordinate plane.
Lines that have the same slope and never intersect.
1. Slope Intercept Form
2. Linear Equation
A pair of numbers that are used to correspond to a point on a graph where the first number is the xcoordinate and the second number is the y. coordinate.
3. Y-Intercept
4. Quadrant
5. Ordered Pairs
A linear equation in the form y = mx +b, where mis the slope and b is the y intercept
6. Parallel Lines
The point where a graph crosses the y axis
One of the four regions into which the x and y axis separate the coordinate plane.

Respuesta :

Quadrant: one of the four region into which the x and y axis separate the coordinate plane
Ordered pairs: a pair of numbers that are used to correspond to a pint on a graph where the first number is the x coordinate and the second is the y coordinate
Y-intercept: the point where a graph crosses the y-axis
Parallel lines: Lines that have the same slope and never intersect
Slope intercept form: A linear equation in the form y=mx+b where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept
Linear Equation: An equation with two variables that makes up a straight line on a coordinate plane