You are taking a class in which your grade is determined from: Quizzes: 15%
Exam (3): 15% for each
Homework: 10%
Final: 30%
Your scores are: Average quiz mean = 85 Exam = 78,81, 92 Homeworks mean = 85 Your final = 89
If the minimum average for B + is 87, did you get B + at the end of the semester. (Show your working.)​

Respuesta :


No, you did not get a B+, you got an 85.6% for the class

Step-by-step explanation:

So, let's split the grades into different parts:

Quiz: 15%

Exam1: 15%

Exam2: 15%

Exam3: 15%

Homework: 10%

Final: 30%

Each part of the grade adds up together to be 100%, so here, we are going to multiply each weighting of the grade with the average amount of points you got for each assignment then add it all up.

(Notice how I convert the percentages to decimals to make it easier to multiply)

Quiz: 0.15(85) = 12.75

Exam1: 0.15(78) = 11.70

Exam2: 0.15(81) = 12.15

Exam3: 0.15(92) = 13.80

Homework: 0.10(85) = 8.50

Final: 0.3(89) = 26.70

Adding these all up:

12.75 + 11.70 + 12.15 + 13.80 + 8.50 + 26.70 = 85.6

You got an 85.6% for the class, which is not a B+

Feel free to ask any questions you may have in the comments! :D