Not everyone who populated US cities came from other countries. Many were migrants who came from other parts of the United States. As technological advances in agriculture began putting small farms out of business, many farm workers struggled to find work. Because of this, about one-third of people moving to cities were Americans leaving farms for industrial jobs. At the same time, African Americans were migrating from the South to cities in the North and Midwest. Faced with discrimination and danger as a result of Jim Crow laws and lynching, as well as punishing and unfavorable work as sharecroppers, black migrants looked to northern cities for opportunities that didn’t exist in southern states.

Based on the passage, which of the following best describes the relationship between technology and migration?

Technological advances in travel made it easier for farmers to migrate to cities, which led to a larger urban workforce.

Technological advances in agriculture left many farm workers without a job, forcing them to migrate to cities to find work.

Technological advances in urban factories brought farmwork to cities, and farm workers had no choice but to migrate.

Technological advances in agriculture made rural America more attractive, and city dwellers migrated to the country for work.