Read the quotations from the passages in the box.
•…I took it that my eyes deceived me straining through the darkness.
(paragraph 2 of Dracula)
•Surely the
miles had multiplied, even as the trees had done, and this
path led but to a labyrinth, some choked wllderness, and not
to the
house at all.
(paragraph 4 of Rebecca)
•Easy to
read the braad outlines of the room's history, the shelter that
had later become a place where people cooked meals, but as always all
of the details were missing. (paragraph 13 of Station Eleven)
What do the quotations mainly suggest about the characters in all three
A They are unable to find the ir way home.
B They are
excited about their surroundings.
C They are focused on reaching their destinations.
D They
are in environments that are mysterious to