Read Part Two of Article A on sea otters. Sea otters are one of few tool-using mammals. They enjoy a diet of seafood, including sea urchins, mussels, clams, sea snails, and crabs. Sea otters will use rocks to break open their food. The rock acts as an anvil to crack open the shell. After diving down to find their food, sea otters hold the shells against their stomachs as they break them open. Sea otters have pouches of loose skin under each of their forelegs. This is where they keep their rock tool while not feeding. Sea otters are quite smart and will use other objects to help them open the shells of their prey. These include parts of the shell itself, driftwood, man-made objects, or even another shellfish. The use of seaweed as an anchor is another example of the sea otter using tools in its daily life. Sea otters are well suited to live in the cold waters of the ocean. Both their ears and nostrils can close while diving. A sea otter's claws and teeth are also perfectly suited to their diet. Additionally, these furry creatures have a loose skeleton, which allows them to be very flexible when swimming and grooming. Their lungs are two-and-a-half times bigger than a similarly sized land mammal, which gives them the buoyancy needed to float on their backs. Sea otters display many unique physical features and behaviors that make them extremely interesting animals. They play and interact with one another, showing a high level of intelligence. Both scientists and wildlife enthusiasts enjoy observing them. Perhaps you'll be lucky enough to spot some of these fun, furry creatures along the shores of the Northern Pacific or, at the very least, at your local zoo. How does the author's point of view that sea otters are smart affect the type of details included in the article? The author describes the different tools sea otters find and use to survive. The author explains that most sea otters have an enormous lung capacity. The author explains the reason sea otters float on their backs most of the day. The author