Select the traits and qualities employers look for in prospective employees.
negative attitude

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Cooperation, Initiative, Enthusiasm


Employers today are looking for job candidates that have a wide range of skills/traits and a way to back them up. These three traits only scratch the surface of what employers want, but are important nonetheless.

Jobs will obviously have other employees working, so having a candidate that is cooperative is always important. You want to make sure they will blend well together with the rest of your team.

Initiative is also another way of saying independent. While that might seem like a contradiction to the first trait, it is not. Employers want to see that you can handle yourself, since you will be assigned work that you need to do independently. Every employee has a duty, and they need to know that you will perform that duty.

Finally, Enthusiasm. This seems pretty obvious, but employers want to see that you are not only enthusiastic about working, but enthusiastic about the company itself. This is important to employers because it gives them an idea that you will have a high morale while working for them, if that's a company you are keen on being a part of.

Too many workers nowadays do not share these values, leaving employers in a tough spot to find good, hard-working employees. Having these traits ensures you will be a prime candidate for them.