When Anna eats an apple, the sugars in that apple are broken down into the substance called glucose. Glucose is then burned in her body for energy. One of the body parts that needs this energy is the heart, which beats due to electrical impulses. A byproduct of this glucose breakdown is the heat that warms her body and is later released.

Which identifies the energy transformations that take place in Anna’s body as this process takes place?

A: Mechanical energy is converted to kinetic energy, which is then converted to potential energy.
B: Chemical energy is converted to thermal energy and electrical energy.
C: Electrical energy is converted to chemical energy and thermal energy.
D: Mechanical energy is converted to potential energy which is then converted to kinetic energy.

Respuesta :

The correct answer is

B: Chemical energy is converted to thermal energy and electrical energy.

In fact:

- initially, the energy is contained in the molecular bonds of the glucose, inside the sugars that Anna is eating, and this energy is in the form of chemical energy

- Part of this energy is converted into the electrical energy that make the heart beating, and this energy is in the form of electrical energy

- The rest of the energy is converted into heat for the body, and this energy is in the form of thermal energy

Answer: B. Chemical energy is converted to thermal energy and electrical energy.
