Respuesta :

 Pandora was the first woman. Each of the gods endowed her with a special gift; defining attributes of women. 
Zeus, however, was not so kind. 
He held a grudge against the creator of the race of man, Prometheus, for giving them the gift of fire, something Zeus had declared was only for the gods. Having already punished Prometheus by chaining him to a rock and having vultures eat out his liver every day (he was a god, so it grew back indefinitely), he decided he would punish man as well. 
He did this by giving Pandora two gifts: curiosity, and a mysterious box that he told her never to open. He then sent her down to live on earth. 
Of course, it was not long before Pandora's curiosity got the best of her and she opened the box. When she did, all sorts of evils (greed, pain, misery, etc.) were unleashed upon the world, forever tainting it. However, at the bottom of the box there was also hope, something with the potential to overcome the terrible things that Pandora had unleashed, and this permeated the world as well.