
List Facts and Responsibilities for The Legislative , Judicial, and executive Branches:

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Alrighty, so:
The Legislative branch of government is in charge of making laws. This branch consists of two houses, the House of Representatives and the Senate. The House of Representatives and the Senate is based upon the Three-Fifths Compromise, meaning that the House was made in order to appease states in the early beginnings of the U.S.A. who thought that representation in this area should be based upon population (Meaning larger states had more people in the legislative branch.) The Senate was made in order to appease the smaller states who felt they deserved equal representation. There are 435 Representatives and 100 senators, 2 senators from each state. The Executive Branch enforces the laws, the President of the United States is included in this branch and he has the power to veto any law that the Representatives and Senate send up to him. The Judicial Branch of government has the power to decide if a law is constitutional. They have the power of Judicial Review which allows them to investigate other branches of the government.

Hope this helps! (: