Respuesta :

It was a bright morning, and Anita had to get up early since she needed to go to the market to get some meat and veggies for the day. Rajappa and Sita Lakshmi, Anita's parents, rose at a respectable hour and went about their regular routine. Rajappa has a traditional personality. Since it is the weekend and he needs to deliver his merchandise to his clients, he is a local apparel retailer who is rushing to open his store today. Anita returned from the marketplace. When her daughter refused to perform household tasks and preferred to go out with her friends instead, Sita Lakshmi yelled at her. Rajappa became enraged, as if she had the audacity to reject her mother. Anita discreetly entered her room and there she saw Rajesh, her younger brother. Rajesh, a 10-year-old boy, articulates his thoughts and speech before speaking to anyone. To share some treats, he was waiting in his sister's room. Anita visited her grandfather Vikram, who resides on the terrace, after lunch. He joined the army and gave his country his all, earning him great respect in the community. Vikram faced formidable challenges as a child because his family belonged to a lower caste.  Anita's grandfather saw that she was a little grumpy as soon as she arrived and handed her some chocolates, yet she continued to appear disturbed. Vikram could hear the screaming and shouting coming from downstairs and immediately understood why Anita was unhappy. He offered to share an unusual incident from his army days to cheer her up and Anita readily accepted.

Grandpa began his account by saying, "All the team members returned to the campsite, gathered around the fire, and began mingling with one another. So, it was a cold, gloomy night; the wind was blowing strongly, and the trees in the darkness were swaying briskly and everyone's hypothesis was it would rain so shut all of the doors and windows, All the windows and doors were shut, but they left one window ajar to let in some fresh air. It is imperative to close the windows since military equipment shouldn't be harmed. There was a sudden sound coming from outside. It was modest at first, but as time went on, everyone heard the same sound returning. It seems like a child is pleading for assistance. Everyone hurried outside to investigate the source, but they were unable to locate anyone. All of the teammates looked around them but were unable to locate any nearby people or youngsters. After a little pause, all of the participants returned to the camp to sleep. After some time, the weird sound resumed, but this time there were some other sounds as well. None of us could comprehend what was being said when some team members noticed someone nearby whispering. As the night culminated all of the team members were exhausted since they were unable to sleep. The identical noise started about three in the morning and abruptly ceased. All of the team members got up at five in the morning despite having little sleep and continued with their day. "Until today, none of the team members could figure out what transpired that night," Vikram continued

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