Respuesta :


Your pants are not the biggest in the store.Your pants are the biggest ones in the store

1. Tus pantalones no son los más grandes de la tienda.

Pantalones no son de talla 50 no hay talla mayores

Traslation 1:

  • 1. Your pants aren't the biggest in the store.
  • Pants are not size 50 there are no larger sizes

2. Tus pantalones son los más grandes de la tienda.

Pantalones son de talla 50 no hay talla menores.

Traslation 2:

  • Your pants are the biggest in the store.
  • Pants are size 50 there are no smaller sizes.


The superlatives are used to express that something or someone has the highest quality among a group. To form the superlatives in spanish we use the words el/a mas (for singular) + the adjective or los/las mas (for plural)

There are some irregular adjectives such as:

bueno (a) whose superlative is el/la mejor - los/las mejores,

malo (a) whose superlative is el/la peor - los/las peores.

For this exercise it is necessary to use the superlatives of each adjective according to the situation given.