A car traveling at a speed of 30. 0 m/s encounters an emergency and comes to a complete stop. how much time will it take for the car to stop if it decelerates at -4. 0 m/s^2?

Respuesta :

With the help of the motion equation, it is calculated that if the vehicle slows down at a pace of -4.0 m/s², stopping will take 7.5 seconds.

Motion equation:

Three motion equations commonly referred to as the rules of constant acceleration, exist for a uniform acceleration. In order to derive the components such as displacement(s), velocity(initial =u and final = v), time(t), and acceleration(a), these equations are utilized. They are therefore only applicable in straight-line motion with constant acceleration. Here are the three equations:

  1. v=u+at or, v = u-at
  2. v²=u²+2as  
  3. s= ut+1/2 at²

Calculating the time :

The formula for the motion equation is

v = u - at

v = final velocity

u = initial velocity

a = acceleration

t = time

Here, v = 0 ,as the automobile comes to a stop

u = 30 m/s

a = -4 m/s²

So, v = u - at

 ⇒0 = 30 - 4t

⇒4t = 30

⇒t = 30/4

⇒t = 7.5 seconds

Therefore, the required time calculated is 7.5 seconds.

Learn more about motion equations here:
