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use alpha males (generals) to come to power then get rid of them (mao)

kill some of those closest to them (like friends) after they come to power to show they cannot be gotten to (saddam)

create scapegoats to blame for what went wrong up till then (hitler)

kill educated people to mold the others (pol pot)

nationalize industries like oil within the country (khaddafi)

reinvent history (like edit old photos) to show they were always favored by the leaders before (stalin)

The initial steps of becoming a dictator require a divine intervention where a person acknowledges that he is in a way unique and will lead the people towards a better tomorrow. Similarly, in Korea, the Kim dynasty created a false account of their dictator’s birth and anatomy but Adolf was a pioneer in manufacturing hatred. The people’s problems and discontent are propagated as hardships unite the people against a common enemy. Then the dictators build an army of loyal to ensure the smooth execution of their sinister plans.