A car rental company charges a $85 initial fee and $45 dollars a day to rent a car. Write an equation representing the cost, y, of renting the car for x days. (y= mx + b)

Respuesta :

The given equation, y = mx + b is the slope intercept form of a linear equation where

m represents slope

b represents y intercept

The slope represents the rate of change of the values of y with respect to x. The values of y in this case represents the cost of renting the car while x represents the number of days for which the car is rented. Therefore,

slope, m = $45

The y intercept is the value of y when x is zero. We can see that the initial fee is $85. This means that even if the car is rented for zero days, the initial fee of $85 must be charged, Thus, y intercept is 85

Therefore, the equation representing the cost, y, of renting the car for x days is

y = 45x + 85