helpppp please ecosystem between 1975 and 1976 after which time rapiddeforestation and logging took place. Starting in 1979 the localpeople became concerned that the native finch population haddeclined drastically and began replanting mature trees in the area atwhich point the finch population then grew to levels seen in1975-1976. Which of the following explanations is the most crediblegiven the changes in the finch population?

helpppp please ecosystem between 1975 and 1976 after which time rapiddeforestation and logging took place Starting in 1979 the localpeople became concerned that class=

Respuesta :

Since the population of finches had decreased when deforestation and logging started, and it returned to its original values prior to deforestation when locals started to replating trees, it follows from these facts that trees are being a limiting factor in finches' populations, either because they're acting as niches, food, both or anything else that these populations needed to survive.

Therefore, the correct answer to this question is option D.