zelda describes herself as shy, hardworking, compassionate, and organized. zelda's analysis of her own personality is most similar to which perspective on personality?

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zelda's analysis of her own personality is most similar to trait perspective.

Psychologists often refer to personality as your distinctive thought and behavior patterns. The trait viewpoint of personality examines the types and numbers of personality traits you possess.

A broad behavioral component that characterizes your personality is called a personality trait. Early theories of personality attempted to explain how personality changes, whereas trait theorists aim to describe how people differ and resemble one another based on attributes.

Are you extroverted or reserved? Thinking or gloomy? How many characteristics are necessary to fully describe a person's personality? Although there is disagreement among psychologists regarding the precise number of traits that matter, each theorist defines personality traits along a number of broad type spectrums.

To know more about personality trait:
