Respuesta :

They had to collect taxes for the city. They wrote laws for the empire. they maintained the cities defense. they also provided the food supply.

Both Ancient cultures ( Mayan and Mesopotamic) had a marked monarchy government system, they thought that the King, emperor or ¨divine leader¨ was an intermediary or an authorized deity figure between the mortals and the gods, having maximum political and religious authority, this ¨Divine power¨ and leadership was inherited to his descendants.

The two groups had an organized social hierarchy, the divisions between them were pretty similar, starting with the nobility, priesthood, then common folk and slaves.

The religion and rites had vital importance in the social and political functioning of different cultures in ancient ages, Mayan and Mesopotamian groups included, that´s why the priests and religious functionaries were always in the highest ranks of society.

Without mentioning one of the main reasons for the emperor's power and leadership, that was the common belief of his divinity,  based on this, we can see two different empires highly influenced by religious beliefs.