A metalworker wants to make an open box from a sheet of​ metal, by cutting equal squares from each corner as shown.
What is the length, width, Height?

Respuesta :

1. l = 12 - 2x w = 16 - 2x h = x 
2. V = (12 - 2x) (16 - 2x) (x) 
3. Maximum Volume = 194 in.^3 when x = 2.26

A metalworker wants to make an open box from a sheet of​ metal, by cutting equal squares from each corner as shown.

What is the length, width, Height?


Write expression for the length, widht and height




L= 16- 2x

W= 12-2x

H= x

Expression to write volumen for the box

V= l*w*h (16-2x)*(12-2x)*(x)