Match the following terms and definitions.

1. consistency of getting the same measurement
2. closeness to actual measurement
3. ratio of densities
4. the amount of matter in an object
specific gravity
5. measure of pull of gravity
6. mass divided by volume
7. Archimedes' Principle
8. how much space an object takes up

Respuesta :

1 is accuracy
2. precision
3. bouyancy
4. mass
5. weight
6. density
7. specific gravity
8. volume


1. consistency of getting the same measurement  → precision

Precision is refer to closeness of two or more measurements to each other.

2. closeness to actual measurement  → accuracy

Closeness of the measured value to standard or known value.

3. ratio of densities  → specific gravity

Specific gravity is defined as ratio of density of substance to the density of water.

4. the amount of matter in an object  →  mass

Amount of matter present in the body or an object is termed as Mass.

5. measure of pull of gravity  → weight

Weight of the object is product of mass of the body and acceleration due to gravity ; w = mg

6. mass divided by volume  → density

Density is defined as mass of substance present in uni volume of the substance.

7. Archimedes' Principle  → buoyancy

Buoyancy is the upthrust or an upward force exerted by the fluid in which object is immersed opposite to the weight of the immersed object.

8. How much space an object takes up → volume

Volume of the body or an object is the space occupied by it in medium.