Which of the following supporting details contains a statistic? Contrary to what many people think, the sun is actually closer to Earth during a northern hemisphere winter. Earth’s orbit is an elliptical—or slightly oval—path around the sun. In early January, Earth reaches its closest point to the sun, called the perihelion. At this time, Earth is about 147 million kilometers from the sun. The farthest point on Earth’s orbit of the sun is called the aphelion. At this time, Earth is about 152 million kilometers from the sun. A. At this time, Earth is about 152 million kilometers from the sun. B. Earth’s orbit is an elliptical—or slightly oval—path around the sun. C. Contrary to what many people think, the sun is actually closer to Earth during a northern hemisphere winter.

Respuesta :

The answer is A because it is showing a specific number which is a large quantity of numerical data 


A. At this time, Earth is about 152 million kilometers from the sun.


Statistics is a discipline based on mathematical calculations and operations through which conclusions can be drawn. Statistic is an instrumental knowledge in the sense that it serves as a tool to explain aspects of other areas of knowledge. Also, it is a knowledge that establishes measures and expresses numerical values, since its content is quantitative. For this reason, we can conclude that the detail of support that contains a statistic is the letter A, because through calculations and mathematical operations it was possible to establish a statistical conclusion about the distance between the earth and the sun.