Respuesta :

democracy, and the ability and right of the people to govern, vox populin (Latin for voice of the people)


Democracy and bicameral legislature, respectively.


Several ancient Greek cities were ruled by a democratic political system, especially in the period between the 8th century BC to the 6th century CE. The most famous of these Greek democracies was the Athenian model. Under this system, all adult male citizens were entitled to taking part in the management of government affairs. Citizens gathered at an assembly, and open discussions between citizens took place, after which they voted on the best course of action. Official posts were given to citizens by a lottery. This is one of the earliest and most well known examples of direct democracy in the world. Athenian democracy is often used as an example of a succesful democratic system.

The Roman Republic (527 BC - 27 CE) had a fairly advanced political system with a bicameral legislature. The legislative branch, tasked with law making, was divided in two. An upper house, the Senate, was comprised of the most esteemed and well renowned Roman citizens. The Senate was tasked with managing affairs of state such as war and foreign policy. The lower houses were the Legislative Assemblies of the Republic. These bodies were examples of direct democracy, as citizens themselves participated in their local assemblies. Legislative Assemblies managed all the affairs outside the Senate's reach. Most modern legislatures are bicameral, and the upper house in many states are called senates, after their Roman counterpart.