What is the meaning of Romanticism as it used in this text? Write your own definition of the word here, along with a brief explanation of how you came to that conclusion.

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Answer: Romanticism was a movement among poets, intellectuals and writers that portrayed the natural environment the subjective individual, and his or her emotional response to life from a subjective impressionist perspective. In contrast to the more formal writers like Pope with his sharp wit, and the satire of Swift of the previous generation (to name but two). In which Pope and Swift had been savage critics of the political and social conditions of their era. Romanticism veered away from the emphasis on reason and a distrust of authorities.


In the German states Romanticism took the form of the Sturm and Drung which was a proto-romantic movement of German literature and music that dealt with death, and situations of stress and horror. From this movement the genre of the Gothic novels arose such as Goethe’s Young Werther. In England this ‘gothic’ genre gave us such notables as Mary Shelley’s with her novel Frankenstein and Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte.