Respuesta :


If it is given in value of percentage, it has been found out by researchers that the service industry that has shown a representation of the value of the United States economy is about seventy percent of which is considered to be of high value.

The service industry represents seventy percent of the value of the U.S. economy.  

Further Explanation:

Service industry:

The service industry refers to the type of industry which does not involve in the manufacturing process. It only involves in the process of transportation, distribution, transferring the one product into another, and packaging. This type of industry rarely involved in manufacturing, it does so in case of high demand. Services also include information technology services, tour, and travel services, housekeeping services and creches services.  

The U.S. Economy:

U.S. economy is an economy that exists in the united states of America. Economy means the total production of the goods in a particular year, it shows the growth of the country and also shows the national income of the country.  

The major part of the U.S. economy represents the service industry. Almost seventy percent part of the total economy represents the service industry. The manufacturing industry is less in u.s. economy. The national incomes represent the service industry instead of the manufacturing industry. Like in India, the national income represents more the manufacturing industry rather than the service industry.  

Learn more:

1. Learn more about trade flows

2. Learn more about GNP

3. Learn more about Iceland economy

Answer details:

Grade: Middle School

Subject: Economics

Chapter: U.S. Economy

Keywords: service industry, represents, seventy percent, value, of the U.S. economy,  manufacturing process, information technology services, tour, and travel services, housekeeping services and creches services.