1. A material that can be hit without shattering is?
viscous, flammable, hard, malleable
2. At room temp., a substance with a melting point of 40% C is a?
solid, liquid, gas, mixture
3. what action involves a chemical change?
making ice cubes,adding sugar to tea, cutting wrapping paper, baking a cake
4.a substance that has a little tendency to change into other substance is said to have low?
reactivity, viscosity, density, conductivity
5. formation of a precipitate is usually evidence of?
the separation of a mixture, a chemical change, formation of a mixture, physical change

Respuesta :

1. For the first one if it doesn't shatter then it is hard. 
2. We sould consider that room temperature is usually from 18°C (64°F) to 23°C (73°F) and since the melting point of the substance is 40˚C  the substance is liquid, because is melting point not an evaporation point it just melts from solid to liquid.
3. Well, in this one we have to consider that a chemical change it change the thing completely. So in this case is baking a cake because the products make the cake stop being them self and created something else.
4. It tends to have low reactivity. This is because viscosity means something like honey very sticky , density is how hard it is and lastly the conductivity I would believe is to pass electricity or current.
5. It is a physical change because the evaporated water transforms again into water and then fall as rain, snow or ice.
Hope it helped <3