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There is nothing wrong with social media and all to stay connected with long distant friends and family and all but there is a time for everything in life so spending too much time on social media can make you develop these unnecessary emotions for online strangers, drift you away from reality, and even put your personal information at risk. So its important not to spend too much time on there because yeah yeah you may like the fame online and all but what's the definition though, on Instagram say for ex you have 900 followers and have no real life friends at all, those followers are strangers, I mean its in the name itself, its just people who only care about your posts, not you, they are only following you so you can like them back and get them famous, that's it, so its like a cycle, you like me, I like you back, and boom I get famous. So those so called 900 followers can NEVER be equal or greater than a true friend in real life.

This can take away school time because say for ex: Mr Gomez is teaching science about the miracle of life and while he is teaching, the students are all on their phones and yes this is common, but Mr Gomez says this is for a last exam to see if they pass to the next grade or not, and so since the students aren't paying attention they will not pass, so since none of them payed attention, they all got held back, so lesson is to be balanced with time, There is a time for everything in life, it just needs to be balanced so its urgent we never let anything pull us away from reality.