Match the items in the tabernacle with their significance. 1 . brazen altar cleansing 2 . mercy seat spiritual light 3 . Ark of the Testimony intercession 4 . table of shewbread atonement 5 . altar of incense sacrifice 6 . laver spiritual food 7 . golden lampstand righteous standard

Respuesta :

Brazen altar – "God's table," a consecrated place for sacrifices and presents. Christ, our sacrifice for sin.

Mercy seat – gold lid with two cherubim beaten out of the ends of it; the blood of atonement is sprinkled here every year.

Ark of testimony – a copy of the Law; represented the righteous standard of God

Table of shewbread – denotes to the cakes or loaves of bread which were always current on a particularly devoted two crowned table; spiritual bread

Altar of incense – imagined Christ, our intercession

Laver – our cleansing from sin.

The golden candlestick – portrayed Christ as our spiritual light