Respuesta :

Below are the 5 things that you may find useful

1. Number + [enter]
Go to the slide number. This is useful when there are large number of slides in your presentation and you want to move to some particular number directly

2. B or Period
Display a blank black slide or return to the presentation from blank black slide
Similarly use W or Comma - to display blank white slide.
This is useful when you want to use temporary slide while presenting a presentation.

3. Esc or hyphen
To end a presentation

4. Shift + F9
Show or the hide the grid. Useful when aligning the objects on screen

5. H
go to next slide if next slide is hidden. This is useful when you have one slides but don't know whether it would be apt while presenting. So in such case make that hidden. And while presenting use 'H' if that slide can be useful to your audience.