{4 questions!}

1. Jack hast two boxes. One is 148g and one is 78g, If Jack pushes both boxes with the same amount of force, which will accelerate faster?

A) Neither box will have acceleration due to inertia.

B) The 148g box will have more acceleration, because it has more mass.

C) They will accelerate at the same rate, because the same amount of force was applied.

D) The 78g box will have more acceleration, because it has less mass

2. Which one of Newton's laws best fits with each statement?

Newton's 3rd law
Newton's first law
Newton's second law

1- objects keep on doing what they are doing.
2- when you push an object, it pushes back.
3- more mass means more force needed to accelerate.

3. As Jack pulls his wagon down the street. Jill, sitting a few meters ahead on the sidewalk, wants to stow Jack's wagon down so that it stops. What can Jill do?

A-Push on the wagon in the opposite direction as Jack at a force greater than Jack is.

B- Push on the wagon in the opposite direction as Jack with a force that is the same as Jack is applying.

C- Pull on the wagon in the same direction as Jack.

D- Push the wagon in the same direction as Jack.

4. A sled sliding on a flat Icy surface with a constant velocity is best described by...

A- Newton's law of gravity because gravity is pulling the sled down a hill.

B- Newton's first law of motion because the sled is moving at a constant velocity.

C- Newton's third law of motion because the sled will eventually come to a stop.

D- Newton's second law of motion because the sled has less mass than the ice.

(Thank you!)