Label the steps of electron transport leading to oxidative phosphorylation where atp is synthesized from adp using the energy stored by the electron-transport chain

Respuesta :

First, the electron transport chain transfer the electrons from electron donors to electron acceptors using both reduction and oxidation reactions.

Next, the energy released in these reactions is captured as an electrochemical proton gradient that triggers the synthesis of ATP synthase and produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP) from ADP and phosphate group in the process called chemiosmosis.

Lastly, ATP stores energy chemically in the form of highly strained bonds and together, the electron transport chain and chemiosmosis makes up the oxidative phosphorylation which is found in the inner mitochondrial membrane.


The steps involved in electron transport chain are,

1. Glycolysis

2. Transformation of pyuvate into Acetyl CoA

3. Kreb’s cycle

4. Oxidative phosphorylation

Further Explanation:

Carbohydrate is the organic molecules digest in mouth cavity and small intestine of the human body. After digestion the process of electron transport chain starts where ATP is synthesized from ADP. ETC is the last part of the aerobic respiration which is the series of redox reaction.

The steps involved in the aerobic respiration of ETC are,

1. Glycolysis: The process starts with the phosphorylation in which glucose is converted to glucose-6-phosphate by hexokinase. Later glucose-6-phosphate is transformed to fructose-6-phosphate. This steps use two ATP molecules.

2. Transformation of pyuvate into Acetyl CoA: Glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate dehydrogenase is converted to three carbon glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate formed during the energy consuming phase into 1, 3-biphosphoglycerate.

3. Kreb’s cycle: 1, 3-biphosphoglycerate is dephosphorylated by phosphoglycerate kinase into 3- phosphoglycerate. The high energy ATP molecules from ADP are formed.

4. Oxidative phosphorylation: Dephosphorylation of the two phosphoenolpyruvate molecules by pyruvate kinase to create two pyruvate molecules and 2-ATP molecules.

Learn more:

1. Learn more about the step involved in cellular respiration is the most ATP produced

2. Learn more about cellular respiration

3. Learn more about energy used in organisms is called

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Biology

Chapter: Cellular Respiration


Carbohydrate, organic, aerobic, respiration, redox, glycolysis, phosphorylation, hexokinase, ATP, ADP, pyruvate, glyceraldehydes, dephosphorylated, kinase, dephosphorylation.